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Loot focusing: A happy medium that some mission runners prefer is to ignore Cabal Alz Frigate and Cruiser drops and concentrate on Battle cruiser, elite ships and Battleship drops. Again, when you pop one of these ships, tag the wreck to identify it as a wreck of interest to allow you to differentiate it from all other drops.

Structures: Some of the structures in dead-space encounter missions also drop loot. These drops range from standard trade goods through to rare implants and skill-books. Not every structure in a complex will drop loot, so it's best to do some research beforehand to know which, if any, structures to destroy.

Saving ammunition: It's also worth noting that when destroying structures, using drones rather than missiles or turrets is generally preferred as they expend no ammo - in many circumstances the value of loot dropped from structures is worth less than the ammo spent destroying them.

Unfortunately, ship and cargo scanners do not work on structures, so you only get to figure out which of them drop items through trial and error or checking on common mission note sites.

So now you have collected all that loot, what to do with it? Many players keep the items they use on a regular basis (guns, launchers, ammo, drones, etc.) and sell the high-end named items.

The rest are reprocessed, with the resulting minerals either sold or used to build more ships and ammo.

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