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Don't even want to talk about the Zandalari dungeons, pugging them... lol Rdf... votekicks... what a joke.

As far as guild groups go, most of my guild are 12/12 raiders who have no need to go into these dungeons at all. The main raid group is 6/13 heroics. Gonna be the same thing when 4.2 hits since we'll be able to cap VP exclusively from raids now.

I've been running RDF tier 1 cata heroics to get the satchel and fill up on my VP cap to sell boots after my weeks raid with this character.

Lately I've been gearing my new elemental shaman who pulls around 15k on Zandalari boss fights. Nobody in my guild wants to do these. These dungeons have been a complete nightmare 9 times out of 10.

The majority of people who want to run these dungeons and people who are gearing alts or trying to get VP which they don't get from raiding. So why do you think these people are capable of fights that require more thought than just Park boss, Hit boss, Loot boss, they have proven they are not capable of this. If they were they would be raiding for their VP.

I love the mechanics of Zandalari heroics, as well as Tier 1 heroics, when I'm with a competent group, but competent and RDF do not go together 9 times out of 10.

So Blizzard I'm asking you to just nerf these heroics into the ground. Give them maybe a month of being fun for people who do guild runs through them, then just take out most of the trash and make all of the fights tank and spank. This is more the level of your average pugger.

As for vote kicks.... lol what a joke. I get it, you don't want these people who refuse to learn their class or grasp mechanics getting kicked every time they step foot into a dungeon, which is what would happen to these guys I get at least one of EVERY SINGLE TIME I queue. The ones that somehow pull 4k in their full 346 JP gear while standing in the fire.

The vote kick tool actually gives griefers exactly what they want. An example: A ZG pug I got into on my shaman, our healer went afk two times between the second boss and the mini boss that drops a maelstrom crystal. Both times he was gone for around 10 minutes. Nobody was able to kick him because apparently they had kicked somebody who failed on the first boss before I was brought in.

This guy could've stepped away and went to Wal-Mart for all we could've done, and there was no way he could have been kicked. So what happened? The rest of the group ended up leaving after sitting for the second time waiting over 10 minutes, they just fell apart and left one by one. There was a 30 minute queue along with 45 minutes or so of being in the dungeon down the drain.

So tl;dr. Just make the heroics durp proof, leave the challenge in the raids for the raiders. These people who are pugging RDF apparently do not have the competence to raid, or how would they be failing to Blitz in Grim Batol? Please reconsider the vote kick tool as right now it encourages people to pull 4k dps or go afk every 5 minutes.

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