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I know Demonology is revolves around you pet, but with some upgrades would it be possible for Blizzard to revamp the Demonology tree to make it a pure Tanking Spec?
The Problems:
1) Itemization
This can be avoided by adding a passive talent that allows your spell power to increase your avoidence stats, the same way spirit increases hit rating for some caster classes, or intellect used to increase attack power for Enhancement Shaman.
2) Changing a pure DPS spec into a Tanking spec
Death Knights were once able to tank and DPS with all 3 talent trees; if Blizzard is able to remove the tanking talents from 2 trees, it should be much easier adding more tanking talents to one tree.
3) People LOVE DPSing as Demonology
Sure, and people loved tanking as Frost and Unholy DK. Demonology is already falling behind in overall raid DPS in T-11 and T-12 similations, this spec is in desperate need of an overhaul.
4) It won't solve the current shortage of Tanks
This I can agree with, if people didn't want to tank before people will most likely not want to tank now. But, having 5 out of 10 classes being able to tank, especially for the large group of WoW population that already play Warlocks who also tank on an alt; not to mention the amount of players who would want to play this new game altering idea of a clothy being able to tank.
5) Voidwalker can already tank.
True, and tanking completely thru the pet can be fun, few people have done it before especially hunters. While removing one of the warlocks signature pets would be devastating to some players, simply altering the pet to be more supportive to the tank rather than tank wouldn't be too farfetched; a lot of hunter pets were changed since vanilla; or simply make it more desireble to have another pet out instead of the Void Walker while in this spec, like destruction favoring imps, and affliction favoring felhunter.
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